Saturday, December 5, 2009

27 Years and Counting

Today I turned 27 years old. That seems so surreal. I don’t feel 27, I’d say I feel more like 24, yeah…that sounds about right. Most people think I look much younger than I am. I’ve even heard some people say I look 12 years old, now that’s just rude if you ask me, but I don’t think they see it that way. To most people being called younger than you are is a compliment, but up until this last year I never considered it as such. But as I get older I am beginning to appreciate it more and more. I realize I’m really not that old, but I am encroaching on 30 which is closer to 40 and further away from 20. I have to say though, I kind of like getting older, I feel as though my insides are finally starting to calm down and I have a little more patience than I did a year ago. Although my birthday was uneventful I rather did enjoy it and I have decided to chronicle it for you.

Because finals are due Monday and Nick worked all day today I spent a good portion of my day writing a paper. In order to concentrate and truly crack down on my paper (there are just way too many distractions at home) I left for Borders Book store around 11 this morning and didn’t leave until 5 PM. I really enjoy writing my papers at Borders, for some reason the hum of people around me, the smell of coffee, and the Christmas music playing in the background is conductive to learning, though the smallest sound can render itself a distraction at home. Anyway, I hunkered down at a table, plugged in my lap top purchased a bottled water and a latte (cinnamon spice to be exact), and began to type away.

A few hours into my paper my adorable cousin Keely stopped by to keep me company, I can always count on her to come visit. She’s my coffee shop buddy, in fact she actually works at a coffee shop. Needless to say she only stayed for a short time, but we were able to get some pictures while she visited.

She made me a birthday cake out of graham crackers and peanut butter. It was so funny when she pulled out a giant container of Jiff right there in the book store.

Keely making me a cake out of Graham crakcers and peanut butter.

Me blowing out my Graham cracker candles.

After the coffee shop I headed home to be picked up by my other cousin Katie (Keely’s sister). She insisted on taking me out to dinner. We wasted about a half hour trying to decide on where to go (that’s actually pretty good, I estimated it at about an hour) and finally decided on the Blue Door Pub in St. Paul. Yummmm! For any of you who have not been there, I strongly recommend it.

We each had a Blue Moon and a Cajun Blucy with sweet potato fries and beer battered fried green beans. For those of you who don’t know, the Cajun Blucy is a melt-in-your-mouth burger stuffed with pepper jack cheese and jalapeños, it is ridiculously yummy!

After dinner we decided to see a movie at the Woodbury 10 theater. Since what we really wanted to see wasn’t playing at the theater, “Blind Side”, we decided on “Everybody’s Fine,” which was actually very sad. You couldn’t help watching it and feeling deep sadness for lonely old people. I believe I made a silent vow that I would never allow my parents to be so lonely, it was heartbreaking. All in all though I would probably only give the movie 2.5 stars. I wouldn’t say it was bad, but it felt as though it was lacking. Robert Dinero was very good, however, extremely convincing. Now that I think about it, all the actors did really well.

That is about the extent of my 27th birthday. Nick and I will be celebrating it December 15. He surprised me with tickets to “A Christmas Carol” at the Guthrie. It only took him seven years for him to get a clue, but better late than never is what I say. Oh, and Nick gave me the greatest card ever! It was all in Spanish (neither one of us reads a lick of Spanish), that's my hubby! Thanks everyone for making my birthday lovely. I really did feel loved!

1 comment:

  1. I'm bummed that I missed this day. :(
    27 is going to be a great year for you...I can feeeeel it.
